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5 Strategies to Boost Your Workplace Influence
Effectively navigating workplace dynamics goes beyond possessing a leadership title. Enhancing your influence is a vital skill for established leaders and those aspiring to leadership roles, aiding in advancing projects,…
What is Nimble Leadership? How Organisations Apply it to Innovate
As we navigate through rapidly evolving markets and technological landscapes, it becomes clearer that traditional leadership models fall short in fostering necessary innovation and prompt response. Progressive organizations are increasingly…
10 Strategies to Improve Cross Functional Relationship
Across our global client base, our 4,000 coaches work with leaders on many common leadership themes and challenges, regardless of the organisation or industry sector they work for, or their…
The 5 Traits of Stellar Leadership Teams
Leading effectively transcends individual brilliance or leadership skill—it pivots fundamentally on robust teamwork at the executive tier. Recent insights from Bain have illuminated a strong link between business supremacy and…
Insights from Trip.com’s Innovative Hybrid Work Strategy
In recent years, the traditional office environment is being increasingly questioned, pushing hybrid work models into the spotlight for rigorous scrutiny within the business community. Recent analyses, such as a…
Consider Feedforward Instead of Feedback
Over recent years, leadership development has undergone a profound transformation, shifting towards more innovative approaches aligned with the complex and dynamic needs of today’s organisations. At the heart of this…